The Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan is located along the lofty ridges of the eastern Himalayas, bordered to the north and northwest by China (Tibet), and to the east, south, and west by the Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal, and Sikkim. Bhutan is similar in size and geography to Switzerland, covering an area of 38,394 square kilometres. Bhutan has enjoyed peaceful isolation from the outside world for many years because to the powerful Himalayas. Mahayana Buddhism's Drukpa Kagyupa school provided the core of a thriving society and an enthralling past. Bhutanese people have always maintained a fiercely guarded isolation in order to safeguard their sacred history and distinctive identity. The kingdom has a relatively small population of 552,996 people. Bhutan was named a tourist destination in 1974, following the crowning of His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck as the country's fourth king. The nation still exudes an old-world charm, and visitors can still see monastic fortresses, ancient temples, monasteries, and stupas dotted throughout the countryside, as well as prayer flags fluttering above farmhouses and on hillside crests, lush forests, rushing glacial rivers, and - perhaps most importantly of all - the friendly smiles and genuine friendliness of the locals. As one travels through a nation whose citizens have chosen to keep it that way, every moment is unique.